
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I open iPad or iPhone AudioNote files on Windows?

Step 1. Download AudioNote for Windows Download AudioNote for Windows Step 2. Transfer the files to your PC There are several options for transferring:

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How do I turn off autocorrect?

On the iPad/iPhone To turn off Autocorrect, go to the Settings App, then “General”, then “Keyboard”, and there will be switches to turn on/off auto-correct, spell checking, etc. On the Mac Go to the “Language & Text” settings, select the “Text” tab, and there’s a checkbox for “Correct Spelling automatically”

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How can I change the audio playback speed?

iOS: Press and hold the play button to bring up playback speed options. You may also go to Tools->Settings->Audio

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How do I move notes into a folder on iOS?

Go to the list of notes and hit the Edit button, then tap the notes you want to move, and finally hit the icon at the bottom that looks like a folder. That will bring you to a list of the folders, and tapping one will move the notes you selected to that folder.

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I forgot to stop recording, how do I trim the audio?

iOS: Tap the Tools button (wrench icon), then Trim Audio. Mac Menu: Audio->Trim Audio. Windows Menu: Edit->Trim Audio.

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Is it possible to retrieve a deleted note?

Yes. AudioNote for iOS has a Trash folder that stores recently deleted AudioNote files.

Do I need a product key for AudioNote for Windows?

AudioNote for Windows is free to use as a viewer for .audionote files created elsewhere. You will only need a product key if you wish to record on Windows (to purchase, go to Help->Upgrade).

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I get the error message "Application cannot be started. Contact the application vendor." What should I do?

This error is typically due to a corrupted ClickOnce (a Microsoft installation technology) cache. Try deleting it and reinstalling AudioNote:

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How do I set the background color and text formatting for a cell?

There a couple of different methods: Tap Edit, then Format Area, then follow the instructions to select the cell or cells you want to format Tap-and-hold on a cell to select it, drag to select a range (if necessary), then release and tap Format

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