

How do I turn off autocorrect?

On the iPad/iPhone To turn off Autocorrect, go to the Settings App, then “General”, then “Keyboard”, and there will be switches to turn on/off auto-correct, spell checking, etc. On the Mac Go to the “Language & Text” settings, select the “Text” tab, and there’s a checkbox for “Correct Spelling automatically”

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How can I change the audio playback speed?

iOS: Press and hold the play button to bring up playback speed options. You may also go to Tools->Settings->Audio

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I forgot to stop recording, how do I trim the audio?

iOS: Tap the Tools button (wrench icon), then Trim Audio. Mac Menu: Audio->Trim Audio. Windows Menu: Edit->Trim Audio.

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How do I open a .audionote file?

.audionote files are created with the AudioNote app. To open them, download AudioNote for iOS, Mac, Windows or Android

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Do I need to purchase AudioNote separately on iOS, Mac, Windows and/or Android?

The various app stores process app purchases separately, so if you wanted to record on each device then yes, you would need to purchase for each platform separately. AudioNote is free to use, however, to view notes recorded elsewhere.