

How do I open iPad or iPhone AudioNote files on Windows?

Step 1. Download AudioNote for Windows Download AudioNote for Windows Step 2. Transfer the files to your PC There are several options for transferring:

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How can I change the audio playback speed?

iOS: Press and hold the play button to bring up playback speed options. You may also go to Tools->Settings->Audio

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I forgot to stop recording, how do I trim the audio?

iOS: Tap the Tools button (wrench icon), then Trim Audio. Mac Menu: Audio->Trim Audio. Windows Menu: Edit->Trim Audio.

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Do I need a product key for AudioNote for Windows?

AudioNote for Windows is free to use as a viewer for .audionote files created elsewhere. You will only need a product key if you wish to record on Windows (to purchase, go to Help->Upgrade).

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I get the error message "Application cannot be started. Contact the application vendor." What should I do?

This error is typically due to a corrupted ClickOnce (a Microsoft installation technology) cache. Try deleting it and reinstalling AudioNote:

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How do I export my notes as a PDF on Windows?

You can use a 3rd-party PDF printer driver to print AudioNote files to PDF. There are several free options available.

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How do I open a .audionote file?

.audionote files are created with the AudioNote app. To open them, download AudioNote for iOS, Mac, Windows or Android

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How can I change the microphone for AudioNote on Windows?

AudioNote for Windows uses the default system microphone. You can change the default microphone from the Control Panel.

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Do I need to purchase AudioNote separately on iOS, Mac, Windows and/or Android?

The various app stores process app purchases separately, so if you wanted to record on each device then yes, you would need to purchase for each platform separately. AudioNote is free to use, however, to view notes recorded elsewhere.