
Frequently Asked Questions

How can I delete spreadsheets?

Go to the File menu and hit Open, then hit the trash button at the top, and delete buttons will appear next to each file.

How do I export my notes as a PDF on Windows?

You can use a 3rd-party PDF printer driver to print AudioNote files to PDF. There are several free options available.

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how does paint tester work?

It may help to view the Paint Tester tutorial within the app. Tap “New Photo” then “View Tutorial”.

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How do I open a .audionote file?

.audionote files are created with the AudioNote app. To open them, download AudioNote for iOS, Mac, Windows or Android

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How do I open a luminantspreadsheet file?

.luminantspreadsheet files are created with the Utility Spreadsheet app for iOS. You can download it for free here:

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How can I change the microphone for AudioNote on Windows?

AudioNote for Windows uses the default system microphone. You can change the default microphone from the Control Panel.

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How do I transfer my AudioNote 2 subscription between iOS devices?

Purchases are shared across iOS devices that use the same Apple ID. To share your subscription between your devices: Download AudioNote 2 on your other device From within the app on that device, go to Tools (the wrench icon) -> Upgrade -> Restore Subscription Apple tracks purchases by Apple ID, so make sure you are logged into your device with the same ID you used to make the purchase on the original device.

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How do I transfer my AudioNote files from my iPad or iPhone to my Android device?

First, transfer the files from your iOS device to a computer. There are multiple methods of doing this, described in Step 2 here: /help/audionote/how-do-i-open-ipad-or-iphone-audionote-files-on-windows/ Next, plug your Android device into your computer with its USB cable. Transfer the files over USB from your computer to your Android device, copying them into the AudioNote folder.

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Do I need to purchase AudioNote separately on iOS, Mac, Windows and/or Android?

The various app stores process app purchases separately, so if you wanted to record on each device then yes, you would need to purchase for each platform separately. AudioNote is free to use, however, to view notes recorded elsewhere.